“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.” — Edgar Allan Poe

A Wellspring for Visitors at Poe House


See what I did there? Spring is truly well for visitors this month: we recently unveiled a new Poe House history kiosk as part of our permanent exhibit. In April we welcomed a new Maryland author in our Poe House Presents series. Now that dates for Pints for Poe, and the International Edgar Allan Poe Festival & Awards have been set, more details about both are rolling out. Finally, The Saturday 'Visiter' Awards recently revealed the panel of judges who will select winners at the 2019 ceremony. We are pleased to welcome speaker and guest-of-honor, author Louis Bayard, who will present award medals to recipients at this year's Black Cat Ball at Westminster Hall. (Pssst! Artists, writers, filmmakers and other creators still have thru May 30 to enter.)

Read the latest newsletter for all the details!

Yours in Poe,
Enrica Jang
Director, Poe Baltimore