“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” — Edgar Allan Poe

Event Updates for June

There's nothing lazy about Summer days at Poe House, though much of the action will be virtual this month.

First, we interrupt our most poetical year of Virginia Poe programming for a Father's Day parley: join us for "Allan vs. Poe" a discussion about Edgar Allan Poe, John Allan, and fatherhood with POEtic Justice Productions of Ayrshire, Scotland, ancestral home of the man who put the Allan in Edgar Allan Poe.

Next, register to attend the penultimate session in the Virginia Poe Bicentennial Discussion Series, part of a year of monthly programs to commemorate the 200th birthday of Virginia Poe, Edgar Allan Poe's wife and muse. On June 21 we present "MARRIAGE, The Public Scandals and Private Tragedies of Mr. and Mrs. Poe."

Finally, this is the last month for PAVERS FOR POE FEST pre-sales before tickets for the International Edgar Allan Poe Festival & Awards go on sale July 1. Look for announcements and a peek at the festival sizzle reel later this month. Read our newsletter for more!

Yours in Poe,
Enrica Jang
Director, Poe Baltimore