“From childhood's hour I have not been. As others were, I have not seen. As others saw, I could not awaken. My heart to joy at the same tone. And all I loved, I loved alone.” — Edgar Allan Poe

More Than Love: A Valentine From Poe House

Last month we saw a huge outpouring of support from you, Poe Nation, at a time it was truly needed. This month's newsletter is a Valentine to all the ticket-donors and supporters who exceeded our goal with $7K raised for Poe House for Poe's 215th Birthday. It takes more than love to keep our mission going, and these wonderful people contributed.

Very special thanks to Chris Riehl at Baltimore Rent-A-Tour, Academy Buses, and Westminster Hall, as well as the team at the NSA's National Cryptologic Museum and Poe's Magic Theatre for rescheduling for next year!

One event that pivoted to virtal rather than reschedule was our awards ceremony to announce the Winners of the Young Saturday 'Visiter' Awards. Congratulations to Naima Gordon and Renee Yates! See interviews with the winners and all the nominees in Poe House's mobile app.

Finally, the focus in February is on Valentines, but as we've seen, love comes in many forms, including friendship and inspiration. To that end, our Ghastly Galentine's Pop-up Shopping Event is next week; tickets are moving fast. And call for entries has opened for the 2024 Saturday 'Visiter' Awards, recognizing a new generation of artists and writers inspired by Poe. If you are moved to support your literary love, be our Valentine this and every month.

Yours in Poe,
Enrica Jang
Director, Poe Baltimore

P.S. Our commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the Poe House & Museum in Baltimore continues. Each month we're sharing facts, points of interest, and hidden history of Poe House, from its savior from demolition in 1940, to the future of the museum as we look ahead to transformation and expansion. This month we explore the spark of idea to create the museum at Amity Street, plus what was happening on the pop culture front in 1949.