“Of puns it has been said that those who most dislike them are those who are least able to utter them.” — Edgar Allan Poe

MUSE: The Life & Afterlife of Edgar Allan Poe’s Beloved Wife, Virginia

Excerpts from our March session of the Virginia Poe Bicentennial Discussion Series. "Daughters of Baltimore: The Lives of Women in 1830s Maryland" Dr. Ida E. Jones is the inaugural University Archivist at Morgan State University. Since 2016 her work in the Beulah M. Davis Room explores institutional and community history where Morgan State and Baltimore city intersect. "As She Lay Dying: Virginia Poe as Edgar's Muse in the Fordham Cottage" Roger McCormack, the education coordinator at The Bronx County Historical Society, is pleased to present "As She Lay Dying: Virginia Poe as Edgar's Muse in the Fordham Cottage." This is the third in a series of monthly programs for the Virginia Poe Bicentennial. The Virginia Poe Bicentennial is presented by Poe Baltimore, Westminster Hall & Burying Ground, Maryland Women's Heritage Center, the Poe Cottage at Fordham (Bronx, NYC,) with generous help and participation from Poe Studies Association, The Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore and The Poe Museum (Richmond.)